Heartbroken #15 Emiranda + Organ Tapes + Samuelspaniel

Heartbroken is finally back on our top floor with two highly emotional live shows and some very relentless dj sets.

VE 06.12.2019 22:00

22:00 - 05:00

ORGAN TAPES - Live (TT fka Tobago Tracks, UK/CN)
So very excited to finally welcome Organ Tapes, one of the most consistent artists that we have been following since 2015. Organ Tapes has just released a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL new album on Tobago Tracks called 'Hunger In Me Living". "The artist’s third full-length project represents his most pop- focused material yet. Layered with guitar loops, characteristic autotune and snatches of field recordings, the songs find their way to the listener with haunting accuracy. Strung together by the record’s simultaneous evasiveness and direct, intense sincerity, songs like “Faithful” and “Condition” marry pop melodies with idiosyncratic arrangements, while the barks and defiant drums of “Flung Wide Open” sit comfortably alongside the euphoric haze of “Sunset in E5”. The music brings a cinematic lens to the pedestrian, stretching and elevating moments of fleeting experience." (TT). This follows 2017's 'Into One Name', which came out on Shanghai's Genome 6.66 Mbp label, alongside other releases for Eternal Dragonz, Creamcake and numerous collabs over the years with some of our faves like noctilucent, Malibu, ssaliva, or Triad God.
bandcamp, youtube

EMIRANDA - Live (Yegorka, DE/SE)
Emiranda is the new joint project of wizkids Toxe and Mechatok, two long time family members of HE4RTBROKEN :) To say the least, we had an instant crush on their first EP as a duo, 'My Face', out now via Yegorka, the new label ran by Janus' founder Dan Denorch and Why Be. "The EP unfolds a little like the doodled graffiti that adorns its cover – casually conceived, but ultimately full of subtle details that bubble to the surface with repeated listens. Taking cues from early-2000s French house and sunrise chill-out mixes, My Face has a calmer sensibility than either artist’s solo output but still packs a few punches with bold hooks and steady, propulsive drum tracks. The production is crisp and carbonated, and the tracks frequently sample each other, lending the EP a playful spontaneity". (Tank Magazine)

Former Midlife's cofounder samuelspaniel is bubbling with new projects, and we couldn't be more excited! Starting a new label called 'Boomerang', his inaugural mix BOO00 is the freshest, most action packed object ever, "best described as an entire era of early-00s futurist aesthetics crammed into a dense and dizzying 15 minutes. Tracks shuffle and stutter, veering wildly off course before returning back to the centre, as is the case with the spaced-out drum’n’bass rolling beneath Kylie Minogue’s Can’t Get You Out of My Head vocal. It manages to work as both textural demonstration and medley of bangers all in one." (The Guardian) We are very impatient for the first release, his own EP "Neo Breaks", which will be out just a couple days before the party.soundcloud

Our faithful team of djs will always be there for you... you never knew there was a love like this before
Liyo's soundcloud, Steph's soundcloud, Nevrland's soundcloud

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