Camera work as Care work w/ Elli Vassalou & Christina Phoebe
WE 23.11.2022 13:30 - 18:30

The camera has historically been used as a tool of control, extraction, abuse and domination. The language of the camera “to shoot” or “to capture '' reflects its historical role in patriarchal colonial projects, past and present, mirroring the ways camera work is still often informed by dominator culture: a culture in which the person holding the camera is in power over those being documented or portrayed. 

This workshop is an invitation to consider the possible connections between camera work and care work in the context of femme, women-identifying, genderfluid and non-binary artists experiences and work today. Drawing from an intersectional feminist toolbox, participants will be invited to engage with one another, turning the gaze towards the camera and our associations with it, in order to envision together: What might a caring camera feel and move like? How can the camera be a comrade and not an oppressor? Which would be the feminist methods of reapproaching  and (un)learning camera work? 

In the workshop we will be mapping out our personal experiences of being cared for by the camera or taking care through it. The workshop will be a space to reflect on our experiences with the camera, both behind it, in front of it, present through it or near it. 

In English (and other languages, according to the group)
A meal is included in the workshop.

Who is this workshop for?

This particular part of the Surplus Cinema programme is taking place in chosen-mixity. In order to facilitate the sharing of experiences within the context of a safer space, this workshop is for femme, women-identifying, genderfluid and non-binary makers and thinkers of all fields. All other events in the Surplus Cinema program are open to all audiences.

No prior experience in camera work or filmmaking is necessary. 

Participants are invited and encouraged to attend the screenings of the program as a continuation of the workshop.


This programme is supported by VGC, Beursschouwburg, Workspacebrussels and LUCA School of Arts.

Image: Elli Vassalou, Christina Phoebe & Giorgos Farazis

see also