Ugne & Maria

A multilayered mind map of the Brussels where Ugne & Maria came home.

music walk, Anderlecht

“This compilation of our pieces invites you to have a walk in Cureghem, densely populated and lively, yet one of the most precarious areas in Brussels. Extremely multicultural, affordable and not (yet) gentrified, it remains a place that welcomes everyone, including us. Every street crossed during the walk is filled with memories which, transposed into music, create a personal mind map of this area. The pieces contain various synthesisers, samples and field recordings taken from Les Abattoirs and other surrounding zones.” — Ugne & Maria

Text cited in the sound piece: Paul B. Preciado, “Le lieu qui t’accueille”, Un appartement sur Uranus (2019), pp. 236-239. 

1. Find your way to the START to Urinoir, Avenue Fonsny, 1060 Saint-Gilles
2. Get your charged phone and earphones out.
3. Press play.
4. Follow the route on the map, you can also open the map in a new window click here
5. The project is in a testing-testing-testing phase, so WE <3 FEEDBACK at

Ugne & Maria is a collaboration between Marija Rasa Kudabaite and Ugne Vyliaudaite. The duo is originally from Lithuania but now resides in Belgium. Their musical output began in 2016 with a live debut in Brussels and continued with various experimentations using violin, synthesisers and sampling techniques. Their compositions revolve around down-tempo as well as dance-orientated approach, including multilayering composing principles and improvisation.

see also