Silvia Federici's Revolution at Point Zero w/ That Might Be Right

Let’s get together to read, talk and think about our contemporary constellation and potential practices that might constitute new forms of life.

reading group
SA 12.02.2022 15:00
SA 26.02.2022 15:00
SA 12.03.2022 15:00
SA 02.04.2022 15:00
SA 23.04.2022 15:00

In six sessions we will read texts by Silvia Federici written between 1975 and the present, the readings give an overview of her research and theorizing on questions of social reproduction and the consequences of globalization. From Federici’s organizational work in the Wages for Housework movement to the economic roots of violence against women in Caliban and the Witch.

Readings will be selected from the following two books:

Silvia Federici, Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle, PM Press, 2012.

Silvia Federici, Caliban and The Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation, Autonomedia, 2004.

SA  26.02 – SESSION II

‘Counterplanning from the Kitchen,’ in Revolution at Point Zero, pp. 28-40.
‘Why Sexuality is Work,’ in Revolution at Point Zero, pp. 23-27.


Moderated by Michiel De Proost
‘Women, Globalization, and the International Women’s Movement,’ in Revolution at Point Zero, pp. 85-90.
‘The Reproduction of Labor Power in the Global Economy and the Unfinished Feminist Revolution,’ in Revolution at Point Zero, pp. 91-114.

SA  02.04 – SESSION IV

‘All the World Needs a Jolt’ in Caliban and The Witch, pp. 21-60.

SA  23.04 – SESSION V

‘Part III: Reproducing Commons’ in Revolution at Point Zero, pp. 115-147.
specific texts to be confirmed.

SA  14.05 – SESSION VI

Moderated by Siggie Vertommen (ReproSist)
‘On Joyful Militancy’ in Beyond The Periphery of the Skin, pp. 125-128.


The sessions are not an endeavour of specialists or insiders, everybody brings the knowledge and experience they have to the table and we will work towards a shared, although not necessarily consensual, understanding of the topic. It is advised to read the texts of each session beforehand, in order for us to discuss and reread parts of it together during the session.

The texts are in English, English will be the main language of conversation but open to contribute in other languages.

The coming years That Might Be Right will build up a public library around what is called primary accumulation — the historical and continuous expropriation of people from common land, resources and relations (See — Reconstituting Geographies)

That Might Be Right is an organisation of cultural practitioners dedicated to (re)searching, developing and supporting alternatives to the present.

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