
Une nuit sombre bordée de douceur.

VE 27.01.2023 23:00

23:00 crat dj set
00:00 Age Reform dj set
01:00 Beatrix Weapons live
02:00 Exael dj set
03:00 robogeisha live
03:40 Laura Conant dj set
05:00 end

Exael (DJ - US/DE)
A close affiliate of labels West Mineral Ltd and Motion Ward, as well as Planet Euphorique and xpq?, exael’s most recent release Ice That Melts The Tips came out in June 2022 on 3XL. The EP is representative of what makes them such a refreshing producer. exael unifies divergent genres and presents stimulating, compelling sounds in a way that comes across as organic and genuinely explorative instead of the sometimes exhausting vibe of highly calculated experimental club music. It’s just sweet fun. While exael’s live sets pose a more rhythmic, downtempo atmosphere, their DJ sets pick up the energy. Their selections are charged, bassy and full of plot twists—from drum & bass to dub techno to edits fished from deep within Ariana Grande’s discography.

Beatrix Weapons (LIVE - ES)
Beatrix Weapons has become one of the sharpest names on the avant-garde music circuit in recent years. Her musical universe is immersed in deconstructed IDM and highly textured digital tones. She has made her mark on reputable international labels such as Infinito Audio, Promesses and most recently on the Berlin based Soul Feeder. We’re super eager to check out her liveset with visuals!

Age Reform (DJ - TR)
Turkish producer and graphic designer Age Reform has turned heads before with his brilliant 2019 release Degenerate on Tektosag. On this night, we will be celebrating his first release on MONTAGE, ‘XS EP’. Through the four tracks we move through contemporaneous dance music’s most beautiful caverns, with icy spikes of distilled trance and echoing bursts of warehouse breaks. With a strong focus on melody, his music is stimulating and tantalizing. He will be performing a DJ-set with a lot of his own productions, which we’re looking forward to hearing.

robogeisha (LIVE - TR/DE)
The first, quintessential, perfectly adorable robot of the 90ʼs. Intelligent, scratchy, capable of cleaning the house, except that it couldnʼt talk or had a brain the size of a nail, but oh so cute. Decade after decade, robots have improved, bent and jumped about on stage, digging out the coal and scrubbing the glass from windowsills. But in general, robots today just havenʼt got it right. This robot will bring us a lovely liveset to clean our ears out!

Laura Conant (DJ - FR/BE)
Laura Conant co-runs MONTAGE and brings a quality selection of icy and distorted beats. Influenced by everything between deconstructed melodies and experimental club music, her own productions feature a strong focus on DIY culture and post-processing. She’ll close off the night with a lovely set of fast-paced dance music!

crat (DJ - BE)
The other half of MONTAGE and resident weirdo. With his Stoute Muziek shows on KIOSK radio, crat has been bringing distorted kicks to Brussels for a while now. He recently released his debut EP ‘on-looker pass by’ on MONTAGE and will be bringing some of his own productions to the opening set. With a tendency for the melodic, his set will try to welcome you softly into the space.

Artwork by Laura Conant

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