Alberto García del Castillo (ES) & Susana Vargas Cervantes (MX) Vampire: Seven to Eleven Dreams

A reading of seven dreams of the Mexico City homosexual hustler and protagonist of Luis Zapata’s 1979 notorious novel El vampiro de la colonia Roma.

WE 07.11.2018 20:30 première

The reading uses the novel’s translation to English by E. A. Lacey titled Adonis García: A Picaresque Novel and published by San Franciscan Gay Sunshine Press in 1981.

Alberto García del Castillo is a Spanish arts curator and administrator, actor, playwright and writer of gay genre nonfiction.

E. A. Lacey was a Canadian poet and translator who is credited with publishing the first gay-identified book of poetry in Canada (The Forms of Loss, 1965).

Susana Vargas Cervantes is a Mexican researcher, writer, curator and activist mining the connections between gender, sexuality, class and skin tonalities to reframe pigmentocracy in Latin and Anglo America.

Luis Zapata is a Mexican writer, playwright, screenwriter and translator whose stories offer a literary account of urban homosexuality in Mexico.

Text in this reading is copyrighted © Gay Sunshine Press Inc. 1981


En anglais


Dramaturgy and acting: Alberto García del Castillo and Susana Vargas Cervantes with the collaboration of Marnie Slater and Luis Zapata

Thanks to Mai Abu ElDahab, Iván Acebo-Choy, César González-Aguirre, Winston Leyland, Pepe Romero, Marnie Slater, Patsy Sloane, Michael K. Schuessler, Yvonne Venegas and Luis Zapata.

This project received additional support from the Embassy of Spain in Belgium | Spain Arts & Culture

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