KETJESDISCO Popopoetry mamamarket a.k.a. poetry market for kids
SA 24.03.2018 14:30 - 18:00

Could your children be the next poet laureates? They certainly could! We will breed them. Or rather, you breed them and we’ll get them ready. 

Let’s play with words! Turn a word machine, throw the letter dice or simply gobble up some letter biscuits: ketjesdisco goes wild. Think spoken word, slam poetry and hip-hop. No conceited sentences, but beautiful lines that would be worthy recipients of the Nobel Prize.

We invite Jeugd & Poëzie (Youth and Poetry) to get to work, together with your kids. In the meantime, the ‘parents of’ can have a lively debate about poetic wisdoms at the bar. Before you know it, your child will have thought of a genius phrase that will be immortalised on a button, handkerchief, postcard or on the tip of your tongue. 

w/ dj Petit Tigrou!


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