Klarafestival & Passa Porta festival Counterforces

A playful but powerful defiance of female clichés and a worrying future.

FR 24.03.2023 20:00

Three female singers tackle the music of Frederik Croene from their individual backgrounds: soprano Lore Binon, singer-songwriter IKRAAAN and performer Amina Osmanu. The texts come from Dominique De Groen’s immense novel-in-progress, in which three young women forge a magical connection.

Dominique De Groen, text
Frederik Croene, concept, composition and piano
Lore Binon, Amina Osmanu, IKRAAAN, vocals and performance
Karl Van Welden, artistic supervision 

This performance forms the artistic bridge between the Klarafestival and Passa Porta Festival.


Credits image: Black Hole Sun © 2023 Karl Van Welden

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