Towards a new compass: North - South alliances in the art world w/ Kunstenpunt & Mondriaanfonds

Curators from South-Africa and Zimbabwe come to explore the art scene in Belgium and the Netherlands with a view to engendering more collaboration and exchange.

FR 22.03.2019 16:00

Invited by the Flanders Arts Institute and Mondriaan Fund, they meet artists, institutions and other professional influencers from our region. During the debate at Beursschouwburg, curators, artists and the public will put their heads together and debate on the relationship between North and South in the art world.

With Sinazo Chiya (Curator, Stevenson Gallery, SA), Kabelo Malatsie (Director, VANSA, SA), Sakhi Gcina (Curator, Zeitz MOCAA, SA), Laura Fungai Ganda (Executive Director at Dzimbanhete Arts and Culture Interactions, ZW), Thato Mogotsi (Independent curator and co-director at ROOM Gallery, Johannesburg, SA) and Georgina Maxim (Director, Village Uhnu, ZW), among others.

The talk is moderated by Gitte Zschoch, director of EUNIC Global and former director of Goethe-Institut in Kinshasa and team member Goethe-Institut in Johannesburg.

With the support of the Flemish Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs.

Part of NORMAL SCHNORMAL, a multidisciplinary programme on normality and other deviations.


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