Black Box Screenings O Solitude

Some scrupulously avoid it, while others embrace it, but no one can escape it forever. Loneliness exists in countless forms, and thanks to cinema, it has just as many faces.

3 FEB — 8 APR 2017
In loop from We - Sa: noon - 10pm

There will always come a moment when we face loneliness. It is forced upon us, we choose it, in the form of solitude, or it comes on unexpectedly. And then what? No instructions carved in stone tell us how to deal with it. We can simply experience it or observe how others emerge from the ordeal.

This spring, we will be investigating several forms of loneliness. The loneliness of monumental, lifeless objects (mechanic or natural), or of people (groups, hermits, or those who have been excluded). One by one, these films expose a world that is almost always hidden from view. The Black Box Screenings series offers an opportunity for meetings with the unknown. Stepping inside, we make the black box less lonely (even as we know there are kindred spirits lurking here).

Text: David Slotema

03 – 04/02 & 08 – 11/02: Shadi Ha Da’gaa
15 – 18/02 & 22 – 25/02: Mauro Herce Dead slow Ahead
01 – 04/03 & 08 – 11/03: Christophe Bisson Silencio
15 – 18/03 & 22 – 25/03: Mohammed Ouzine Samir in the Dust
29/03 – 01/04 & 05 – 08/04: Fiona Tan Ascent

► Wednesday’s at 7 pm (every two weeks), we organise a collective viewing session. We invite an expert to introduce the film and serve some fingerfood. Feet under the table, eyes on the screen!

see also