Carolina Mendonça Zones of Resplendence

Feminized warrior figures, sci-fi speculation, and an imaginary army. 

dance, work-in-progress
SA 18.03.2023 20:30

Zones of Resplendence investigates feminized warrior figures to imagine and rehearse a war fought with different weapons. As a sci-fi speculation, it engages with different body practices to prepare an imaginary army. 

60 minutes

Trigger warning: nudity and references to violence

Carolina Mendonça is interested in the contamination of knowledge and vulnerability to different dynamics. Carolina holds a Master in Choreography and Performance from Giessen University in Germany and Graduated in Performing Arts at ECA-USP. She works as a dramaturge in collaboration with Marcelo Evelin, Marcela Santander, Dudu Quintanilha and Carolina Bianchi, among others.

Lara Ferrari's practice focuses on performance and writing as activators to generate states of empathy, vulnerability and fragility in the body. She is committed to depart from affect and sensibility as political agents, enabling dissimilar perceptive modes and building other ways of relating to each other and the environment.

Direction, text and performance: Carolina Mendonça
Performance and collaboration: Lara Ferrari
External companions: Carolina Bianchi and Joshua Wicke
Sound Design: Miguel Caldas
Light design: Laura Salerno & Leticia Scrycky
Costume Design: Miguel Peñaranda Olmeda and Stefania Assandri
Supported by radical hope, hot bodies studio, WPzimmer, workspacebrussels, Fonds Darstellende Künste im Rahmen des Programms NEUSTART KULTUR #TakeHeart Residenzförderung


Part of In Harm’s Way, a programme about sexual violence and artistic strategies coming from a dialogue between Carolina Bianchi, Carolina Mendonça and Elisa Liepsch

see also