Feiko Beckers Deadpan and Disco

Unpredictable consequences of seemingly insignificant choices.

performance, extra muros
VR 22.05.2015 19:30

Is it possible to ask for a middle seat on an airplane at the airport check-in? Is it possible to ruin a friendship because you don't want to take off your shoes before entering someone's house? In a sequence of statements of "things” that the artist knows to do better than others, Feiko Beckers’ performance shows a fascination for unpredictable consequences of seemingly insignificant choices.

In his work Dutch Artist Feiko Beckers both recounts and stages personal stories with the participation of actual members of his family and friends. These stories often revolve around personal failures, accidents and embarrassments he once experienced.
Beckers' work is an attempt to find answers to the unexpected and relentless nature of these unfortunate events. With video, performance, spoken text, sculptures and even songs, he sets up engaging tales, that are always interrupted unexpectedly, thereby signaling their unavoidable and pre-determined failure.

ND, 2014, 15 min

Photo: Sara Bugoloni

Thanks to: Centrale Fies, Dro Italy, Live Works Performance Art Award and Julien Perez

Language: English

OPGELET! Deze expo vindt NIET in Beursschouwburg te Brussel plaats, maar wel in PACT Zollverein, Essen. Je kan gratis met de bus meereizen om de expo te bezoeken.
Voor gratis busticket mail naar tickets@beursschouwburg.be

PACT Zollverein
Bullmannaue 20a

D-45327 Essen


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