L-Tour What About Lesbian Spaces?
WE 16.09.2020 18:00
WE 23.09.2020 18:00

This cycle of 3 conferences organized by Marian Lens (L-tour) will explore the theme of lesbian/lesBIan spaces through different reading grids. For each conference, expert speakers have been invited to speak on specific themes (see program below). Each conference will take place in a different language (NL, FR, EN).

Conferences will be recorded and broadcast online.


NL – WE 1.09 – Beurscafé
18:00 – 19:00 Onthaal. Drank-hapjes.
19:00 – 20:30 Conferentie: “En de vrouwen?” – Lens Marian (Sociologist); “Welke (niet-)zichtbaarheid van lesbiennes in de (sociale) media?” Dr Cecil Meeusen (KU Leuven) en Dr Laura Jacobs (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
20 :30 – 21:30 Debat-vragen
21:30 – 22:30 Verdere discussies. Drank-Hapjes

FR – SU 20.09 – LaVallée
17:30 – 18:30 Quels espaces lesbiens ? – Lens Marian (sociologue) et Aïda Yancy (historienne)
Quels espaces existent pour les minorités les plus fragilisées au sein des communautés LGBTQI+,
par ailleurs cumulant différents types de discriminations/inégalités ?
18:30 – 19:30 Débat
19:30 – 20:30 Poursuite des discussions. Drinks & Food

Cette conférence est précédée d’une autre: “Espaces publiques, Affaires Privées : Quelle place avaient les lesbiennes et les gays dans la ville du XIXe à la fin du XXe siècle ?”

EN – WE 23.09 – Beurscafé
18:00 – 19:00 Drinks & Food
19:00 – 20:30 Conference – What About Lesbian Spaces? – Lens Marian (Sociologist) et Aïda Yancy (Historian)
Why Do Lesbians Remain so Invisible in most of the (Public) Spaces?
20 :30 – 21:30 Debate
21:30 – 22:30 Free discussion. Drinks & Food


Accessibility for people with reduced mobility . This year, we are setting up a system of “buddies” for people who would like to be accompanied by a volunteer, more information on rainbowhouse.be/en/projet/pride-festival-2/

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