Lisa Spilliaert N.P

In this silent film set during a summer in Japan, four people discover how one book unites them.

film screening
WE 24.04.2019 20:30 avant-premiere

All four are fascinated by the novel ‘N.P’ by the somewhat mysterious Sarao Takase, who has since passed away. All feel a sense of connection to this autobiography, either due to their shared personal history with the author or one of the book’s translators. The film N.P dissects the young characters’ complex web of relationships. It also reflects on how a translation relates to the original, how fiction relates to reality, and the often incestuous nature of their interactions.

Lisa Spilliaert grew up in Japan and Belgium. The very personal dialogue between these two cultures is a common thread in her photography and film work. She often collaborates with her sister, Clara Spilliaert, who also plays a role in N.P.

Part of NORMAL SCHNORMAL, a multidisciplinary programme on normality and other deviations.

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