KRAAK festival 2017
FR 03.03.2017 20:00
SA 04.03.2017 14:30
05.03.2017 11:15
The KRAAK festival is your yearly appointment with the beating pulse of music. With Moleglove, Nibul, Johannes Bergmark, Beatriz Ferrerya, Brunhild Ferrari, Steven Warwick, Hiele Martens, Henry Andersen, Festoen, Frank Hurricane, Ande Somby, Pymathon, Johns Lunds, Brecht Ameel, Annelies Monseré, DJ Stoute Meneer & DJ Cop-Case,...

KRAAK will be your kind guide throughout the maze called off-stream music. As you know, this labyrinth works as an ever expanding crossbreed of parallel universes in which noise, garage rock, avant-garde composition, folk, performative and visual music bleed into each other, mutate and transform into new genres and styles.

Friday 03 March 2017
20:00 Johannes Bergmark
20:30 Johns Lunds
21:30 Hiele Martens
22:30 Nibul
23:30 Steven Warwick
23:45 DJ Calhau!

Saturday 04 March 2017
14:30 Ánde Somby / Private Lives film opera by Robert Ashley
15:00 Beatriz Ferreyra
16:00 Henry Andersen
16:45 Annelies Monseré
17:45 Johannes Bergmark
18:30 Festoen
19:00 BREAK
20:00 Moleglove
21:00 Pymathon
21:45 Frank Hurricane
22:30 Zad Kokar
23:15 Inhalants
00:15 Hiele
01:00 DJ Cop-Case & Stoute Meneer

Sunday 05 March 2017
11:15 Brunch by Eat vzw
13:30 Brecht Ameel
14:15 Johannes Bergmark (lezing)
15:00 Accident Du Travail
15:45 Film: Crossroads - Bruce Corner
16:30 Brunhild Ferrari

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