Marc Reynebeau & Hans Goedkoop Concealed Past #3: police action in the Dutch East Indies

A memory exposed

TU 19.02.2013 19:30

In his book De Laatste Man. Een herinnering (The Last Man. A recollection) Hans Goedkoop unravels his grandfather’s, Hein van Langen, personal and long-concealed past. An old-KNIL (Royal Dutch Indian Army) officer, he led large-scale operations after WWII in the Dutch East Indies to retain the former colony. On his return to the Netherlands his grandfather was only given work as an adviser to the fire brigade, and his work and life in his ‘former native country’ is never mentioned. Hans Goedkoop gives a lecture about his grandfather and his role in the policing action, followed by a discussion with Marc Reynebeau.

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