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SOTA foyer


SOTA foyer

TH 18.04 18:00
TH 30.05 18:00

Une série de rencontres par et pour des artistes et des travailleur·euse·s de l'art pour forger de nouvelles alliances en dehors de notre bulle habituelle et raviver de vieilles amitiés.

State of the Arts (SOTA) est une plateforme ouverte qui vise vise à réimaginer les structures existantes dans le monde de l’art.  Chaque soirée a son propre thème, avec les propositions et idées d'invité·e·s spéciaux·ales, que nous vous invitons à discuter dans un cadre chaleureux et informel.

14.09 The Gap Comes to Brussels

“We, recently graduated students, find ourselves confronted with a situation that is often explained to us as ‘the harsh reality of being an artist’. We are quite alone in the wide gap between the art school and the working field.”

In February of 2022, The Gap group was created by alumni and cultural workers who wish to draw attention to the gap between higher arts education and the professional field and make proposals to bridge this gap. They published an open letter in Rekto Verso, held open meetings and, in both Ghent and Antwerp, initiated ‘Pairing is Caring’: a career mentorship system between young/emerging artists and more established artists/cultural workers. 

On September 14th The Gap will share their work, questions and concerns on how to make the artfield an ecology of solidarity instead of competition. Join the conversation and help forming a new group for a Pairing is Caring Brussels in 2024-25.

photo © Mariana Machado