Freakmass w/ Playback + Spring Showers

Queer Christmas is hier!

drag show, closing event
FR 20.12.2024 18:00

Gratis (hoera!) en hete dranken, een warm welkom door plezieractivist Spring Showers en het Playback dragcollectief dat ons trakteert op een lip-syncshow vol slechte ideeën, lelijke gevoelens en monsterlijke genoegens.

Tot snel!


18:00 Spring Showers welcoming, hot drinks, late expo visit & screening
(till 20:00)

20:30 Playback drag show extravaganza with Mona LaDoll, Morphae, King Baxter, Atlas, Anna-rt-she, Shlaggy Daddy and Blanket la Goulue (till 01:00)

find out more

Powerful cabaret show at the crossroads of norms and genres, Playback pokes fun at normality, reclaims what makes us magical, and dreams of a gentler future. Playback is a full-bodied mix of creatures, drag kings, monsters and drag queens. Come and discover stories as beautiful as they are authentic, as intense as they are ridiculous, as political as they are sparkle-sparkle-sparkling.

Spring Showers
This special winter night you are welcomed by Spring Showers. They are beyond everything else a pleasure activist and very convinced that there can never be enough fun. Come come come and be blessed with a feast of queer joy. XOXO

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