Vinyl Market: Over & Out XL edition

Labels, distro's, private collections and all sorts of record shops offering their wares. The main goal is to be a meeting point for vinyl lovers in Brussels. We are looking for private quality collections but labels, shops, musicians, dj's or people who just want to sell some records are also welcome.

28.06.2015 12:00 - 18:00

If the weather allows it we set up shop on the street which is car free from that day on.

This edition is the XL edition and part of our OVER & OUT weekend where we celebrate the end of 50 years Beursschouwburg. We are looking for live bands and DJ's or other special acts around music for this one. So get in touch!

Tapes and cd's are welcome but in small quantities. DIGG IT!

You need some table space or do you have a good proposition?

see also