Alexander Nieuwenhuis Intuitive Encyclopedia
VE 18.12.2015 16:00
SA 19.12.2015 16:00

Alexander Nieuwenhuis graduated from the Herman Teirlinck Institute in Antwerp and has since worked in a multitude of countries. Nieuwenhuis is currently developing the Intuitive Encyclopedia at Dasarts in Amsterdam as a hybrid between literature and theatre. The project tries to map limits of rational knowledge, derive stories from these limits and cultivate a sense of wonder towards all we do not know. The encyclopedic texts have a wide range from the migration of the Monarch butterfly to the suitcase that accompanied Walter Benjamin to his suicide, the subject matter is unrestricted and intuitive. During this research, Nieuwenhuis encountered a subject that seems too vast to tackle alone; the subject of domestication. In this first Encyclopedic Session at Working Title Situation #3 Nieuwenhuis will work together with his participants, tapping into each other's knowledge, experience and poetics to create a story about how we supposedly developed from cave-men to law abiding citizens.

120’ // Meeting Room // In English

Concept & development: Alexander Nieuwenhuis
Thanks to: Dasarts (Netherlands), Maatschappij Discordia (Netherlands), workspacebrussels (Brussels), Beursschouwburg (Brussels)
Special Thanks to: Edit Kaldor, Annefleur Schep, Angustina Munoz, Tashina Blom, Orion Maxted

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