Heritage Days

Around the building’s awning you can see our name: Beursschouwburg. Or is it Bourscaubirg? What’s with all the different spellings? Who has liberated us from the constraints of official spelling? Find out on the Heritage Days.

guided tour
SA 14.09.2019 14:00 - 18:00
15.09.2019 14:00 - 18:00

A short tour will soon avail you of the facts: this is indeed a schouwburg, with the requisite theatre, big hallways, echoing staircases and a multitude of fire exits. The unique space within these walls poses both a challenge and an opportunity when it comes to presenting fine art. 

A tour of the 200-year past of this cultural haven will open your eyes to all the many corners of the building and the ways we have incorporated the work of artists within it. Following the renovations in 2002, the Swiss exhibition-maker Moritz Küng immortalised a sound installation by Ann-Veronica Janssen, among other works. Over the years, this in-situ piece has been joined by work from Rinus Vandevelde, David Helbich and Lawrence Weiner.

w/ Brussel Babbelt & Klare Lijn


Guided tours in Dutch at 14:30, 15:30, 16:30 & 17:30.
Guided tours in French at 14:00, 15:00, 16:00 & 17:00.

50 min
max. 25 pers / tour
without reservation

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