Leandro Souza Musa Insistente

When words are repeated and repeated and repeated until they lose all meaning, can dance still offer a way out?

WE 19.03 20:30
TH 20.03 20:30

A solitary figure wanders around quoting excerpts from songs lyrics, philosophical texts and speeches by important figures in Western culture. An escape movement is activated by cycles of repetition, entanglement and erosion of the words, in a long twilight, atmosphere of a battle between body and culture. How can choreographic practice open up escape routes from the flattening forces of experience?

Musa Insistente is the result of research into escape and choreography, in which the artist investigated language as a way of representing the world in order to observe the exhaustion of the narratives that sustain it. Escape is that muse that insists on inspiring us and showing us that the way out is to face what is in front of us.


Leandro Souza is a Brazilian choreographer living in the Netherlands. Often working in temporary formations, his choreographic work is developed around concepts such as escape, opacity and entanglement. In his productions, Leandro flirts with the word, the voice, the body, movement, objects and various materialities, at a crossroads between practice and theory.
Leandro Souza holds a master's degree from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP/Brazil) and studied in the Das Choreography program (AHK/Nederland). In 2018, he received the performance award from the São Paulo Association of Art Critics (APCA/Brazil) for his solo Sismos e Volts. Among his works is Eles Fazem Dança Contemporânea and A Gente é Sutil, Vocês são Explícitos.

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